Mozambique: Frequently asked questions

sunset over sea sweeping over beach

If you're planning a trip to Mozambique, you might have a few questions before paying your deposit and securing your accommodation. We've answered some of the most frequently asked questions that we get about Mozambique - we hope this helps!

What is the currency in Mozambique, and what is the exchange rate?

Mozambique's official currency is the Metical(or Meticais in its plural form), but if you're travelling in southern Mozambique both the South African Rand and US Dollar are accepted. If you're travelling in the north, it's best to carry US Dollars.

The exchange rate fluctuates daily, but as of publishing (25 February 2020), 1 Mozambican Metical equals approximately 0,29 South African Rand.

Can I use my credit card in Mozambique?

Most large resorts and lodges accept Mastercard and Visa, but many smaller lodges don't have credit card facilities and prefer cash transactions, so it's best to keep cash on you at all times.

What is the time difference between South Africa and Mozambique?

There is no time difference between South African and Mozambique. Mozambique is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, and Daylight Saving Time is not applied.

Do I need a Visa to enter Mozambique?

South African passport holders don't need a Visa to enter Mozambique, provided that their overall stay is less than 30 days. Other passport holders will require a Visa - it's best to contact your nearest consulate for more information.

How much should I tip waiters and other staff?

In restaurants, it's customary to tip the usual 10 - 14% of your bill, as in South Africa. Check with the owner of your accommodation to find out what their recommendation is when tipping staff.

What plug points to they use in Mozambique? Do I need to bring a special adaptor?

South African-style plugs with 2 circular metal pins above the large circular grounding pin is used in Mozambique.

Are you planning a trip to Moz? Send us a quick email ( or call 028 254 9193 and we'll help you book your dream getaway. Our destination specialists are also more than happy to answer any other questions you might have!

PS: You might also want to browse our selection of incredible accommodation options to suit all needs and budgets, here.

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